2021 Virtual Best Business Practices Roadshows – Last Chance to Register!

Top news June 3, 2021

Not registered yet?

Tomorrow, Friday, June 4, is the last day to register to ensure that you receive the Zoom links (one link for each day of presentations) in time to connect to the event before it starts. Click on the following link to access the event’s microsite to complete your registration, also available in the email invitation you received:

As a reminder, this year’s Best Business Practices Roadshows will be held next week, from Monday, June 7 to Thursday, June 10, 2021. Two hours of daily live presentations are in store for you, i.e. from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. (ET), during which our speakers will cover various topics including the economy, sessions on operations, compliance, practice management and more.

This year, we are very excited to have with us a very special guest, Mr. Chuck Wachendorfer, who will be making a presentation on moral and emotional intelligence.

Note that this year again, the event is open to all Representatives and administrative staff. For those of you who may not be able to join us, presentations will be available on iA Campus starting June 17.

Continuing Education (CE) Credits

Great news! You won't have to submit CE credit codes after each presentation. In order to receive your CE credits, you will need to be connected to the live presentations by using the daily Zoom link that you received by email. Your certificates will be sent to you by email once the accreditation process is completed.

Important: Note that in order to receive CE credits, you must attend the live presentations. No CE credits will be granted for presentations viewed only on iA Campus.

Should you have any questions related to this event, please contact us by email at