Important Reminder – Privacy Now Advisor Consent – Action Required

Top news August 31, 2023

We, at Investia Financial Services Inc., do everything we can to protect the personal information that you, as a registrant with Investia, entrust us with. It is important that you understand the purposes for which we may use or disclose the information collected and consent to its use except for cases prescribed by law.

With that goal in mind, on August 8, 2023 you received a TelosTouch TouchPoint message via email regarding the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information as part of your business relationship with Investia. A link to Investia’s updated Privacy Notice, which outlines all relevant details, is included in the message for your review and consent to the terms therein. A copy has also been posted on the Advisor Centre under the Registration & Licensing heading for future reference.

Action is required. All registered individuals, including Licensed Assistants, are required to complete the TouchPoint. If you have not completed it yet, please do so at your earliest convenience.

Should you have any questions or require additional clarification, please feel free to contact Investia’s Privacy Officer at