We would like to inform you that a new document has been made available on the Investia Advisor Centre under Fund Research:

Investment Conference Call Summary – March 2020

On the third Tuesday of every month, the iA Wealth Product Research & Oversight team hosts a conference call featuring some of the most prominent names from the worlds of portfolio management, investment strategy and economics. This piece is a summary of the March 17th call on which Edmund Fernandez spoke with Todd Mattina of Mackenzie Investments and Stephen Jenkins of Sionna Investment Managers. The discussion covered an array of topics, including the coronavirus pandemic and its effect on the markets.

Should you require additional information regarding this document, please do not hesitate to contact:

James Gauthier, CFA

Head of Product Research & Oversight

T. 416 601-2422

Edmund Fernandez, CFA, CIM

Senior Product Analyst, Fund Research

T. 416 640-8270