New Remote Account Opening for New Clients

Best practices March 26, 2020

As part of our efforts to continuously improve our tools and processes, we are pleased to provide you with a new procedure that will allow you to open an account remotely for your new clients in a secure, compliant and entirely digital way.

Going forward, by combining the new File Sharing Tool of the Client Portal and the video conference option of your choice, you will be able to identify your client in compliance with the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) & Terrorist Financing Act and regulations, and then open the client’s account(s) as needed, without having to obtain the client’s wet signature.

For more information regarding the steps and limitations of this process, we invite you to attentively read the procedure below, which may be found on the Advisor Centre under Procedures and Forms / Administrative Procedures:

Administrative Procedure #58 – Remote Account Opening

Important Reminder

In order for Investia to meet its responsibilities as a dealer and not to create any confusion for clients, Investia’s E-Signature Tool can only be used for Investia-related business accounts and transactions, not for any documents from external companies, including those that may accept the Esign option, even if the company has authorized it.

We are convinced that this process will make your business more efficient, especially in this period where your health and that of your clients have become a priority and where social distancing is key.

Should you have any questions regarding these events, please do not hesitate to contact our Client Services Team, by email at, or by phone at 1-888-684-5548.