Reminder – 2020 Annual Review of Professional Activities (“ARPA”) Questionnaire

Compliance April 15, 2021

We would like to remind you that the Annual Review of Professional Activities” (ARPA) questionnaire is currently available on the Investia Advisor Centre for online completion. We remind you that the ARPA questionnaire is mandatory and that it allows our team to ensure that your National Registration Database (“NRD”) records remain up to date.

To access the ARPA questionnaire, simply log into the Investia Advisor Centre and click on theARPA Survey” icon on the home page:

Below are a few important considerations:

  • The questionnaire covers January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020 and must be completed by all registered individuals: representatives, branch managers, alternate branch managers and licensed assistants, with or without a book of business, except for those who joined Investia after September 30, 2020;
  • Your questionnaire must be completed and submitted by April 30, 2021;
  • You must complete the questionnaire using your own primary representative code. Note that licensed assistants have their own primary codes
  • Please answer all the questions in each section of the questionnaire;
  • If you submitted an outside activity approval request during the last five years and received an email confirming its approval, please do not complete another “Outside Activity Approval Form”;
  • All your “Outside Activity Approval Forms”, as well as any other required documents, must be sent to Investia at for review no later than April 30, 2021;
  • After completing the questionnaire, click on “Submit”. You may also print a copy of the questionnaire in PDF format for your files. To print the questionnaire, click on “Print”. Note that you will no longer be able to access the questionnaire once submitted.

IMPORTANT: If we have not received your questionnaire by April 30, 2021, you may be charged a penalty.

To assist you with ARPA, please click here for a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

Should you have any questions, please contact our Client Services Team, by phone at 1 888 684-5548, Ext. 5373.