Update of Distribution Administrative Procedure and Order Instruction Form

Best practices June 3, 2021

We would like to inform you that our distribution administrative procedure has been recently  amended.

The amended procedure provides clarification regarding the four distribution options available for Investia nominee accounts, details related to form completion and document transmission, as well as guidance for validating clients’ distribution options and instructions in Univeris. Note that the name of the procedure has also been amended.

We invite you to read the amended procedure from the link below, which is also available on the Advisor Centre under Procedures and Forms / Administrative Procedures.

Administrative Procedure # 43 – Distributions – Investia Nominee Accounts

Note that our Distribution Order Instruction Form has also been reviewed and amended. The amended version can be found in Univeris under the “Generate Forms” section of the Task Menu, as well as from the link below:

Investia Distribution Instruction Form (Investia Nominee Accounts) (F51-369A)

Should you require additional information, please contact our Client Service Department, by email at or by phone at 1-888-684-5548.