National Business Conference Highlights

Top news October 20, 2022

First, we want to thank each of you who attended our National Conference in Toronto two weeks ago. After meeting virtually in 2020 and 2021, what a great pleasure it was to be able to see you all in person!

United Way

As you might have seen displayed at the registration table, in lieu of our traditional conference participation gift, Investia will donate an amount of $5,000 to United Way in the name of our advisors. For those of you who would like to personally contribute by making a donation to those in need, click here to access the United Way website.

Three New Partnerships

This year’s conference was particularly exciting for our teams as we were launching three new partnerships to help enhance your service offering.

  • TelosTouch, an interactive communications tool to facilitate communications with your clients. Click here to read the presentation made at the conference. For any questions related to TelosTouch, please reach out to us at

  • Willfull, a state-of-the art estate planning and will preparation solution.

  • nesto, a comprehensive mortgage financing service with many advantages for you and your clients.

Thank you all for your interest in our initiatives!

Presentations and CE Credits

All the conference presentations have been recorded and will be available on Investia Learning as soon as the accreditation process has been completed, except for Ron James’ presentation. Certificates will be issued once accreditation is granted. Note that if you were not able to attend the conference, you can also obtain CE credits by viewing the presentations on Investia Learning once they have been made available. Stay tuned as more details will be provided in the coming weeks within your 360.


Finally, congratulations to Daniela Musial, Georges Boudreau and Troy Gorrill, who each received an iPhone 14 Pro Max that were drawn as part of the closing session.

We look forward to seeing you again next year!

Should you have any questions related to this event, please contact us by email at