Live Training Webinar – Replay Link, Reference Material & Survey

Events April 6, 2023

We would like to thank everyone who attended our live training webinar called “Objective Suitability: What You Need to Know” which was held on Wednesday, March 29.

Replay Link

If you missed it, click here to watch the replay, which can also be found on the Advisor Centre under the “Guides and Training / Training Videos” section.

Reference Material

Risk Rating and Objectives/Asset Allocation Adjustments to Certain Funds

Investment Objective Suitability – 10% Variance

Reminder – Investia Investor Profile Questionnaire

Reminder – Common Compliance Inquiries


Your feedback is important! To help us continue to improve this series of events, we would appreciate your taking a few minutes of your time to give us some feedback on your experience. Stay tuned as a short survey will be sent to you by email next week. Note that this email will come from TelosTouch from the following (legitimate) email:

Should you have any questions or wish to share suggestions or ideas for future webinars, please do not hesitate to contact your Practice Management and Training Specialist.