New Banking Material Request Form – Order your Material Faster!

Best practices August 31, 2023

Need new bank deposit slips, an endorsement stamp or a bank card? You can now order your banking material easily and in only a few clicks on the Advisor Centre.

Go to the Useful Links section, click on Request for Banking Material, then complete and submit the online form. You will need to provide your name, rep code, branch code, details on the material requested and a shipping address for us to send your order. Once your form is submitted (the “Submit” button is directly within the form), your request will be processed within 48 hours and your material will be delivered shortly after. Note that deposit slip orders are sent to our external vendor, and as such a minimum of two weeks should be factored in before they are received.

For additional information about the bank deposit process, we invite you to refer to Administrative Procedure # 14 – Bank Deposit available on the Advisor Centre under Procedures & Forms / Administrative Procedures.

Should you have any questions, please contact our Client Services Team, by email at, by phone at 1-888-684-5548, or use the chatbot feature available on the Advisor Centre.