Go Paperless! Investia Paperless Office Procedure

Top news October 26, 2023

Interested in getting rid of all your paper documents that keep piling up at your office? We have the perfect solution for you. Our simple, comprehensive and accessible Paperless Office Procedure has been designed to help you incorporate a paperless office into your practice in a few easy steps.

Simply go to the “Paperless Office” section on the Investia Advisor Centre homepage to access the administrative procedure, the request form and a few other useful documents, including a FAQ:

As a reminder, in order to be able to operate a paperless office, simply complete a Paperless Office Request Form and send it to Head Office via the Secure File Upload Tool.

Completing this form in full constitutes your acceptance of the terms of Investia’s Paperless Office Procedure and gives you the right to operate a paperless office right away, without having to wait for additional approval.

It is important to note that the form must be sent by the Representative directly as the rep code constitutes the Representative’s signature.

Below is a reminder of the steps to complete to go paperless:

  1. Read Investia’s Paperless Office Procedure and Device Encryption Guide in full;
  2. Complete Investia’s Paperless Office Request Form;
  3. Return the completed form to Investia via the Secure File Upload Tool on the Investia Advisor Centre (“Processing” option).

Note that paperless office requests must be made at the individual level, which means that Representatives sharing a joint code who both wish to operate a paperless office must each submit their own request.

Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team by sending an email to