Update of Fund Profile Information in Univeris – Load Type

Best practices March 26, 2020

Further to the March 12, 2020 communication, we would like to remind you that we are in the process of reviewing fund profile information in Univeris for clarity and consistency of information. As part of this initiative, we will be reviewing load type information in Univeris over the upcoming weekends. We remind you that all funds are currently under review, except for GICs.

Note that the load type created specifically for fee-based funds, FCL, will continue to be applied to all fee-based funds, whether they are held in series administered by the fund company or the dealer.


As for the “Wrap Eligible” checkbox, it identifies those specific funds that are eligible under the Investia Nominee Account Fee-Based Program:

Note: Fee-based series that are administered by both the dealer and the fund company are not eligible for the Investia Nominee Account Fee-Based Program, which means that “Wrap Eligible” indicator is not activated in this case.

Also as part of our product shelf standardization initiative, please be advised that all funds identified under ISC (Initial Sale Charges) will be moved to FEL (Front End  Load)going forward.

Impact to Clients and Representatives:

As a reminder, changes made in Univeris will be reflected on client statements, trade confirmations, the Client Portal and the Advisor Dashboard on the Advisor Centre. Note that these changes will not impact the value of any funds.

We recommend that you refer to your Dashboard (“My Actions” tab) on a regular basis to ensure suitability is maintained in your clients’ accounts. Rest assured our Compliance Team will remain available to guide you through this process as needed.

Stay tuned for your upcoming issues of your 360 as we will continue to update you on our progress.

Should you require additional information, please contact our Client Services Department, by email at, or by phone at 1-888-684-5548.