Investment Objective Suitability – 15% Variance and Change of Terminology

Compliance June 17, 2021

As a follow-up to our presentation on investment objective suitability during last week’s Best Business Practices Roadshows, please be advised of the following two changes which will be effective July 1, 2021.

15% Variance

On July 1, we will be turning on a variance of 15% in Univeris as it relates to objective suitability. This change will be visual in PortfolioINSIGHTS and in the Compliance Supervision Module. There will be no changes to the risk suitability variances in the system at this time.

Even though 15% will be the maximum variance tolerated by Compliance in the future, our expectation is not that everyone falls within this threshold immediately. Our plan is to gradually reach this objective over a transition period. Our Compliance Officers will be working in collaboration with each of you to offer guidance and training as needed.

Changes to Terminology

Furthermore, to ensure the terms we are using are aligned with our recommended asset allocation, the following changes will also be made in Univeris on July 1:

Income will be updated to Fixed Income

Growth will be updated to Equities

These changes will be reflected in the “Products” tab:

Useful Resources

For additional information, we invite you to click here to view a PDF copy of the roadshow presentation on investment objective suitability. Note that the recording can also be found on iA Campus.

As complementary information, click here for a comprehensive video providing guidance on how you can check portfolio suitability using OrderXPRESS.

Stay tuned for upcoming issues of your 360 newsletter as more information about objective suitability will be provided, including a Frequently Asked Questions document.

Should you require additional information, please contact your Compliance Officer.