Letter of Indemnity Requests

Best practices March 17, 2022

We invite you to review the Letter of Indemnity (LOI) Reminders memo which was included in the February 3, 2022 issue of your 360 as it contains important reminders related to this process.

However, please be advised that we continue to receive LOI applications without all the information Head Office requires to complete the request accurately and timely. We are taking this opportunity to remind you that all sections and relevant fields of the LOI request form, including the Representative’s signature, must be completed in full.

Below are the most common areas where we tend to see missing or incomplete information:

Section 1 – Contact Information

In the event we need to reach your office, it is important that you provide the name and contact info of the primary contact for the LOI request.

Section 3 – Detailed Explanation and Corrective Action Required

Additionally, please provide a complete explanation as to what error occurred and the corrective action required to fix it. All the supporting documentation and the client’s signature must be provided for all client-name account corrections if there is no valid Limited Authorization Form (“LAF”) on file. For clients where a valid LAF is on file or for nominee account correction requests, valid notes must be maintained and provided upon request. 

When sending supporting documentation, ensure you write “LOI” on the documentation to avoid trade duplication. This will allow HO to easily identify that the documentation being submitted is not a new request but rather support for the LOI.

Section 4 – Head Office Responsibility

Representatives must not submit requests indicating Head Office is responsible for the error without any backup documentation from Head Office agreeing to this arrangement. If there is a concern or question about the error liability, please contact Client Services to review the situation prior to submitting the LOI request. 

Should you have any questions, please contact our Client Services Department, by email at or by phone at 1-888-684-5548.