Virtual Best Business Practices Roadshows – Change to the Agenda for Wednesday, June 7

Top news June 1, 2023

As we are heading into next week’s Virtual Best Business Practices Roadshows, please be advised that a change has been made to the agenda for Wednesday, June 7.

Due to circumstances outside of our control, the order of the two afternoon presentations has been reversed as follows, with a 10-minute break in between:

  • The Privacy Best Practices presentation, hosted by Julie Rochette, V.-P., CCO and CPO, iA Financial Group & Kirk Dzaman, Investment Funds Advisor, NextLevel Financial/Investia, will be held from 1:30 to 2:25; and
  • The Best Practices for an Efficient Business Process presentation, hosted by Stéphane Blanchette, EVP and CCO, Janet Himmeroder, Manager, Branch Audits, Terry Cole, Compliance Manager & Vanessa Johnson, Manager, Practice Manager and Training at Investia, will be held from 2:35 to 3:30.

Click here to view the event’s amended agenda.

If you have already registered for that day and would like to change your registration as a result, please click here.

And if you have not registered for the Roadshows at all, there is still time to do so. Click here to register.

Should you have any questions or require additional information about this event, we invite you to contact us at