Updated GIC Rate List on the Advisor Centre

Best practices June 8, 2023

In the spirit of continuous improvement and in response to your suggestions, we have reviewed and updated our List of Issuer GIC Rates, which can be found on the Investia Advisor Centre under the “GIC Rates” section of the home page:

The new list will be available next Monday, June 12, 2023:

Sourced from the data transmitted daily by CANNEX and updated daily on the Advisor Centre, the new list will be presented in a new, more user-friendly format to facilitate your reference. Here are a few interesting features:

  • A legend of the various tables provided by CANNEX and additional information have been added to optimize your understanding of the information presented.
  • The new list will include the day’s rates on term deposits (GICs) for all our nominee plans, as well as for non-registered client-name accounts for issuers who offer them.
  • The list will also include rates for registered term deposits (GICs) applicable to client-name registered plans.
  • Finally, we’ve also added the rates available on products with terms of over 5 years and those offered in months (as listed in the CANNEX tables (1.5 to 6.5 years)).

We hope this new format will prove useful.

Should you have any questions, please contact our Client Services Team, by email at, by phone at 1-888-684-5548, or use the chatbot feature available on the Advisor Centre.