New Cybersecurity Guide

Top news June 15, 2023

As mentioned during last week’s Best Business Practices Roadshows, we are excited to announce the launch of our new cybersecurity guide, which replaces the version previously available on the Advisor Centre (Cybersecurity Guidelines).

MFA, password protection, data encryption, social engineering – these are only a few of the topics covered in the guide. In addition to its rich and diversified content, the guide includes dynamic visuals to make learning more fun and facilitate your reference. Don’t miss the list of suggested tools recommended by our Cybersecurity team (the Appendix page at the end) to protect your data and devices and keep cybercriminals at bay.

Click on the link below to read the new guide, which can also be found on the Advisor Centre under the “Cybersecurity” heading.

Investia Cybersecurity Best Practices Guide

Should you have any questions about cybersecurity or require additional information, please contact iA’s Information Security Awareness team by email at