Liquid Alternative Mutual Funds (ALTs)

Top news September 30, 2021

We are excited to announce that alternative mutual funds (aka “liquid alts” or “ALTs”) are going to be added to Investia’s approved product shelf. These funds, relative to regular mutual funds, are allowed greater use of leverage and increased flexibility to short-sell and use derivatives (among other things). Unlike hedge funds, they can be sold to retail investors. If you are interested in providing this product to your clients, we encourage you to obtain the required proficiency course prior to the rollout.

Required Proficiency:

In order to offer ALTs in your client’s portfolio, you will need to successfully complete one (1) of the following industry courses:

Note that both Fidelity and Dynamic are options for obtaining fund company support on the registration costs. 

Upon completion of the applicable proficiency course, please send a copy of your marks to the Registration Department at in order to add the course to your registration file  prior to trading.

We anticipate releasing the list of approved alternative mutual funds by mid-October.

In the meantime, should you have any questions or require more information, please do not hesitate to contact your Compliance Officer.