Update of External Electronic Form Administrative Procedure

Best practices September 30, 2021

We would like to inform you that Administrative Procedure # 44 – External Electronic Forms in Univeris has been recently amended.

This procedure has been amended to reflect recent changes made to fund company form display criteria in Univeris under the “Generate Forms” section. Going forward, due to the large number of forms available and our requirement to ensure they remain up to date in the database, only forms from the top 20 fund companies having business dealings with Investia will be kept and updated in the system. A table listing these companies, along with their respective code, can be found on page 2 of the procedure.

Click here to view the amended procedure, which may also be found on the Investia Advisor Centre under Policies & Procedures / Administrative Procedures.

Should you require any information, please do not hesitate to contact our Client Service Department, by email at or by phone at 1 888 684-5548.