Primary Address and Residence Code in Univeris

Best practices September 30, 2021

In order to ensure that up-to-date and compliant client records are maintained, we would like to provide the following reminders regarding client addresses. Ensuring these steps are taken will avoid potential tax implications for the client, namely upon the calculation of tax rates, sales taxes, annual administrative fees and nominee account fee-based fees.

Primary Address

It is very important to always select the Primary Address type in Univeris to document the client’s address. This address must correspond to the client’s primary residence, as well as the address provided by the client upon account application. If additional addresses must be kept on file for the client (e.g. correspondence address, employer address, etc.), they can be added optionally.

Province or Country of Residence

Should a change be required to the client’s primary residence address, it is important to think about updating the province or country of residence in Univeris under the “Client Details” tab, if applicable:

For additional information pertaining to address changes, we invite you to refer to Administrative Procedure #24 – Address Addition or Change, which may be found on the Investia Advisor Centre under Procedures and Forms / Administrative Procedures.

Should you require any information, please do not hesitate to contact our Client Service Department, by email at or by phone at 1-888-684-5548.