Technical Difficulties – Notifications

Business tools February 10, 2022

Please be advised that we experienced technical difficulties with Fund Facts and statement email notifications during the period of January 24, 2022 to February 4, 2022. Fund Facts shared to clients via Univeris during this period (“Email” or “Share to Client Portal” options) should be reviewed to ensure the client received the email. 

If a Fund Facts document was shared to the Client Portal, it is available for viewing in the Client Portal, however the email to the client indicating it was shared was not received by the client. 

If the Fund Facts document was shared from Univeris via the “Email” option, neither the document or the notification to the client was received via email, however a copy is available in the Client Portal.

In addition, all 4th quarter statements are also available on the portal. The statement impact is limited to client notifications of availability sent during the January 24 to February 4 period.

Although this issue is resolved, we encourage you to review your Fund Facts shared between January 24, 2022 and February 4, 2022.

In addition to the above, operational notifications that you are accustomed to receiving (e.g. cash deposits, cancelled trades, etc.) may also have been impacted during this time. As a best practice, we ask that you refer to the Dashboard on the Advisor Centre, Univeris reporting and your internal procedures as part of your normal review processes to ensure there are no outstanding issues.

For additional information, please contact our Client Services Department, by email at or by phone at 1-888-684-5548.