Update of Transfer Fee Reimbursement Procedure and Form and New FAQ

Best practices June 16, 2022

As announced during recent virtual Water Cooler meetings, Investia now offers two (2) client transfer fee reimbursement options:

  • Reimbursement per account; and
  • Reimbursement per client.

We would like to inform you that Administrative Procedure #10 – Reimbursement of Transfer Fee /Other Fees and Commission Rebate has been updated to reflect this new offer. We invite you to click here to view the procedure, which is also available on the Investia Advisor Centre under Procedures and Forms / Administrative Procedures.

We have also taken this opportunity to review and update the form to be used for your reimbursement requests by adding a section for the reimbursement by account option. The Fee Reimbursement Request form (F51-393A) is available in Univeris under the “Generate Forms” section.

Finally, a Frequently Asked Questions document providing added guidance about the program has also been made available. Click here to read it.

Stay tuned for upcoming 360 communications as we will be launching our new transfer program for intermediary accounts.

Should you require any information, please do not hesitate to contact our Client Service Department, by email at or by phone at 1-888-684-5548.