Invalid or Missing Client Email Addresses – Representative Notification

Compliance April 13, 2023

In order to ensure that your e-delivery clients always receive their documents and notifications in a timely manner, we will be implementing a new process which will help us manage bounce-back emails more efficiently.

As such, effective the week of April 24, 2023 we will start sending periodic emails to each of you with invalid client email addresses on file. These emails will be sent on a quarterly basis.

These secure emails will include a list of your clients with invalid email addresses for which we received an email bounce-back message. We will ask you to make the necessary corrections so that the correct email address is recorded on file.

As a reminder, client email addresses can be changed via one of the following ways:

  • By the client on the Investia Client Portal/mobile app – recommended option because it does not require a client-signed form signed;
  • In Univeris under the “Communications” tab; or
  • In Univeris in the “Update Client Profile” module*.

*In order to be able to update a client email address, the Representative must obtain the client’s signature, either on a KYC Update Form, a Non-Financial Instructions Form or a letter of direction.

For more information about the email address change process, we invite you to read Administrative Procedure # 24A – Change or Addition of Client Email Address, which can also be found on the Advisor Centre under Procedures & Forms / Administrative Procedures.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Compliance Officer.