Client Banking Information – Important Considerations

Best practices April 13, 2023

Following our recent announcement regarding changes in the entry of client banking information (ref. March 30, 2023 communication), we are pleased to see that many of you have added client banking information to Univeris.

In order to avoid trade rejections resulting from incorrect or missing information, we would like to draw your attention to the following important points:

  • The name in the “Holder Name” field in Univeris must always match the full name on the personalized void cheque.
  • It is important never to put spaces or dashes (–) in the bank account number.
  • The banking institution number entered into the system must match the number that appears on the void cheque and not the name of the banking institution, more specifically in the case of President's Choice Bank.
  • It is important to always indicate a start date in the system.
  • Only banking information corresponding to an authorized scenario as described in Administrative Procedure # 63 should be entered into the system.
  • All documents, including the personalized void cheque, must be sent to Imaging on the same day the information is entered into the system. It is important that the client number be clearly indicated on the documents, more specifically on the void cheque, to ensure that they are indexed to the right client file.
  • We remind you that transactions involving non-compliant banking information or documents not submitted to Imaging within the prescribed deadlines could be reversed via a letter of indemnity (“LOI”) at the Representative’s cost and be subject to further action in the case of repeated non-compliance.

Should you require additional information, please read Administrative Procedure #63 – Additions or Change of Banking Information, also available on the Advisor Centre under Procedures and Forms / Administrative Procedures.