New Mandatory Cybersecurity Course

Cybersecurity June 1, 2023

We invite you to complete the online course entitled “Cyberattack, an Invisible Threat” which is available today on Investia Learning.

As a professional working in the financial sector, maintaining up-to-date knowledge of cybersecurity and adopting the right behaviours is a shared responsibility.

In order to achieve these objectives, and thus guarantee quality service to your clients, this course must be completed by all Investia representatives and their employees by September 30. Please allow approximately one hour (1 h) to take this course and complete the quiz to earn the following continuing education credits:

Continuing Education (CE) credits offered:

  • CSF: one (1) in Compliance (CO);
  • IQPF: one (1) in Compliance with Standards, Ethics and Business Conduct (SC);
  • MFDA: one (1) in Business Conduct;
  • Advocis: one (1) in Ethics.

Should you require any assistance with Investia Learning, please do not hesitate to contact us by email at