Payment Methods and Redemptions in Univeris

Best practices June 15, 2023

We wish to advise you that payment method options will be updated in Univeris as of tomorrow Friday, June 16, 2023 to keep only the following options: Cheque, Hold in CCA (for nominee accounts only) and Payable to the bank accounts entered in the system for EFT payments.

In order to streamline the payment process, please remember to validate the banking information already in the “Bank Accounts” section on Univeris to ensure that a Start Date is indicated and that a personalized void cheque is in the imaging system.

Also, if you would like to add new banking information under “Bank Accounts” and in order for this information to be available as a payment method when entering your redemption in OrderXPRESS, please ensure that you send the banking information to the imaging system on the same day.

Client-name accounts:

Nominee accounts:


Now that the Electronic Processing Agreement (“EPA”) is in effect, there is no need to send banking information to fund companies when processing eligible redemptions. Simply enter it under “Bank Accounts” following the steps provided in Administrative Procedure # 63 – Addition or Change of Banking Information, and then process your redemption. The banking information will be sent electronically to the fund company, along with the transaction details.

Administrative Procedures # 3A – Redemption – Client-Name or Intermediary Accounts and # 3 – Redemption – Deregistration Request (Investia Nominee Accounts) will be updated in the next few days to reflect this change.

Should you have any questions, please contact our Client Services Team, by email at, by phone at 1-888-684-5548, or use the chatbot feature available on the Advisor Centre.